ASU Pocket featured on 2023 SmartResume’s SmartReport Ecosystem Map
ASU Pocket was featured on SmartResume’s 2023 U.S. Digital Credential/LER Ecosystem SmartReport. The SmartReport includes two infographics that demonstrate the way in which data flows through the ecosystem, showing how digital credentials and LERs are issued, shared, consumed and the companies and institutions that make that process happen. Read more about the SmartReport Ecosystem Map.
“We are thrilled that ASU Pocket has been featured in this year’s SmartReport,” said Timothy Summers, executive director of Third Horizon Initiatives at Enterprise Technology. “We've trekked to the frontier of reimagining how learners take on life and created a digital wallet that opens up a world of possibilities...and we're just beginning.”
ASU Pocket is a portable, secure, verified and interoperable digital wallet and portfolio for learning, work and life. The goal is to create an ecosystem where learners, institutions and employers can connect more efficiently and effectively to provide optimal opportunities. Learner agency is paramount
ASU’s Trusted Learner Network (TLN) was also featured in the ecosystem map. The TLN offers institutions and credential issuers a space to explore complex challenges and develop new ways to record, curate, and share achievements and skills across the learner’s lifespan.